Purple Lens – The future of web accessibility

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Our Mission

We seek to improve the community of disabled people with their day-to-day basic tasks. We help institutes and governments around the world, and the rest of the civilian businesses, achieve this goal by providing them with assistive technology solutions that really help navigate the digital and online world. Today it is possible with Purple Lens’ assistive technology solutions to present an opportunity for small-medium businesses (SMBs) with existing websites to be accessible in a user-friendly way.

Today’s accessibility products, services and implementation fall into extremes:

  • Artificial vs. human intelligence
  • Fully automated vs. hand-coded from scratch
  • Easy vs. complicated implementation
  • Cookie-cutter vs. custom
  • Fast vs. time-intensive
  • Expensive vs. more expensive

Additionally, the real-world user experiences, and levels of compliance delivered often don’t live up to the promises implied.


Purple Lens occupies the unclaimed middle ground between these extremes. How? We offer the best of both worlds: a high-tech solution with a human touch.

Our semi-automated and guided do-it-yourself system is effective, flexible and affordable. It addresses the challenges small and medium-sized businesses face. As they work to grow an online footprint, SMBs may not have the resources (or desire) to:

  • Have a team of specialized developers and accessibility experts on call,
  • Rebuild website properties from the ground up to achieve accessibility standards, and/or
  • Maintain accessibility standards on a sitewide basis, over time.

But our ultimate advantage may be our positive impact on site owners’ revenue. Purple Lens makes it possible for site visitors with disabilities to successfully research, browse and complete inquiries and purchases — instead of abandoning sites in frustration.

Purple Lens is a mature platform and the result of three years of self-financed development. We serve:

  1. The community – We aim to achieve maximum usability for end users, the community, by providing a friendly and equal way to navigate the website.
  2. Web developers – We provide developers (website builders) and professional web accessibility consultants with development tools (accessibility builders) to ensure 100% accessibility.
  3. Website owners – We offer affordable assistive technology solutions to website owners, thus removing cost barriers.
  4. Regulation – We always stay updated with the solutions we provide by adhering to WCAG and regulation guidelines.

We realize the inverse relationship between fancy sites and the interaction of users with different abilities. A seeing user is likely to click away from a straightforward site format, taking his business to a site that appears more enticing, while a blind user needs the site to lack fancy windows, colors, fonts, drop-down menus, pop-ups, etc. in order to operate the site. For this reason, we created options for any user to choose if and how he wants to employ our assistive technology. When establishing full equity, we must provide options for people to choose what is best for their needs. This development, led by our fully blind head QA software engineer, was based on the feedback of the blind community because we know the best way to serve people is to ask what they need, rather than guess.

Further, we are unlike other overlay companies because we empower a human following our DIY plan to fine-tune the fit of the overlay to each website for optimal user accommodation.

Purple Lens offers:

  1. The ability to change preferences in the way the site looks
  2. The ability to alter the entire site structure

This way, we are not failing any user with specific needs, but rather, offering autonomy for him to choose how he relies on us.

With Purple Lens, 80% of the client site will be automatically more user friendly, yet 20% of the site must be fixed with human awareness and make respective touches to the system. We assist our clients to complete this step when they follow our DIY program to fine-tune our assistive technology with their website. Our troubleshooting scanner will reveal areas that may experience glitches. Re-integrating and simple coding steps will fix any present errors.

Should a website owner need assistance, we have a hub of international web developers called Purple Zone, who are already experts in Purple Lens.

We are living in a world that is very progressive and advanced with technology and innovation, yet the web accessibility industry still has a long way to go. We decided that we, at Purple Lens, will set the standard of a more accessible world for everyone; we decided to be the most effective, affordable and productive solution for our clients and users.

Our dream is that web accessibility does not need to be something that is punishable according to laws or legislations. We want Purple Lens to help pave the way for accessibility becoming the norm that is a standardized expectation by all.

Whether you’re the website owner, web developer or the end-user, Purple Lens’ packages and available tools are able to fit to all website styles, product types and target audiences.

We fight hard for our mission statement; equality is important, but inclusivity is essential.

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