“69 Red Flags – What Your Mother Never Told You”

The author’s enchanting personality seeps through each word, enveloping the reader in a blanket of charm, difficult to ignore. That charm is accompanied by wit and wisdom, carefully crafted to captivate, as one reads what can be described as a textbook of red flags every dating woman should have in their possession.

A strong, adventurous woman with an anthropological background, author, Raine Duske has managed to capture the attention of females around the world with her book titled, “69 Red Flags – what your mother never told you.” As women voraciously consume the book’s contents, rollicking with laughter when identifiable moments are described, it becomes evident that this is more than just a quick read. Admittedly, as each red flag is read and pages are avidly turned to get to the next red flag, then the next, chuckles soon turn into the somber realization that each point raised is deserving of more than a mere guffaw. This book is akin to a wise female companion, whose invisible presence must be attendant at every date and relationship a girlfriend attempts to step into.

Rainie Duske, a resident of Kelowna in Canada’s British Columbia, embarked on this red-flag documentation journey because, as she explained: “I am a mother, and I want my daughter, who has blossomed into a beautiful young woman, to be able to recognize some of the red flags maturing women encounter at different stages in her life.”

Many mothers can attest to sleepless nights spent worrying about the best way to talk to their daughters about relationships, impending or current.  Some daughters may be entangled in relationships that are clearly unwise, yet attempts to talk them out of it oftentimes prove futile. Through this literary pursuit, Rainie aimed to bring dating red-flag tips not only to her daughter, but to all daughters and women who read her book.

A strong, adventurous woman with an anthropological background, author, Raine Duske has managed to capture the attention of females around the world with her book titled, “69 Red Flags – what your mother never told you.” As women voraciously consume the book’s contents, rollicking with laughter when identifiable moments are described, it becomes evident that this is more than just a quick read. Admittedly, as each red flag is read and pages are avidly turned to get to the next red flag, then the next, chuckles soon turn into the somber realization that each point raised is deserving of more than a mere guffaw. This book is akin to a wise female companion, whose invisible presence must be attendant at every date and relationship a girlfriend attempts to step into.


Advising with humor

Few people welcome unsolicited relationship advice, however, that equation changes when the delivery is subtle and laced with humour. Therein lies the cleverness of this book. Wisdom shared and advice given in a manner that many can relate to, and to those who can’t, at least they can laugh because there is a chuckle on every page. Admittedly, red flags in relationships will be interpreted differently based on each individual’s dating history and knowledge of the experiences of others, but “69 Red Flags – what your mother never told you” is not just another quick read. The book is wise and witty, clearly describing the relatable red flags that women should know. It is a text book and a handy addition to the purse, as important as a lady’s can-never-leave-home-without lipstick and other female tidbits.

What a man says and what a man really means

Rainie examines red flags that may rear its head at different stages of romantic relationships. She highlights the differences between what a man says and what a man really means. It is delivered as a mix of satire and sarcasm, but the insight is highly empowering for women. The author cleverly explores men’s actions and non-actions, juxtaposing both aspects to reveal the female interpretation of what he said which is not really what he meant – sorry, guys, but it’s usually very different.

The author does not claim the book to be a critique, but rather an inspection of different dating situations that some women across the globe may encounter. Nonetheless, the book does get a laugh out of male readers. Some men are able to humourously identify those red flags and see through the eyes of the female, the negative impression they may have once made, albeit unintentionally. And for the men with daughters, they may well say, “I’ll be having a chat with every boy who comes around my daughter, because I want to make sure he walks the perfect walk.”

Self-healing and empowerment

After reading the entire book and you reflect on its contents, it will become evident that the author meant to advise, yes, but she also intended the reader to come away empowered and healed. Certain red flags open the mind and invite you to look deeper into your dating situation, and if necessary, regain your power. Having now identified specific relationship nuances that may have previously being elusive, a woman can feel more confident and thereafter be one step closer to creating the life they desire.

“69 Red Flags – what your mother never told you.” is available on Amazon

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