Labels Are Not Needed

by Albert Pensis and Michael Feeley, Saba Island Properties

When we left New York City and moved to Saba, we became “expats”. We didn’t even think about it until people started calling us that –“Oh. You’re expats. There are lots of foreigners here on Saba.”

We’re people. Yes, from another country, who fell in love with Saba, purchased land and a home, moved here 10 years ago and became residents. We mind our business. Pay our taxes. Take care of our property. Own a business. Work hard and give back whenever we can.

Why is it necessary to define someone by a different nationality, language, business preference, lifestyle choices, cultures?

  • Why not make a choice to understand, value and respect people, as they are, instead of discriminating?
  • Why not build culture instead of tear it down?
  • How can you create sustainability – support – cooperation?
  • What is the difference between dominance and affiliation?

Good will in life and business, works!

Good will – the hope that good things happen to people – matters in life and business. There’s a difference between respect and contempt.  The choice to honor other people and things, different from yourself, as compared to the flip side – disrespect and lessening the meaning of another human being. It happens anywhere in the world – between couples – in families – at school – work – states – provinces – countries.

You  don’t need to get along with everyone, but make the choice to be civil. If you want to change a disagreement, do it with respect. And if not, be quiet. No need to bully and encourage others to join in. That’s the narrow-mindedness and bigotry that created the holocaust and some of the worst racial discrimination in the US and other places in the world today.

The pandemic has many of us living with stress, fear, the feeling of too much change, worry about money. Kindness and understanding is a incredibly helpful choice and way to live.

Most people want to be happy. They expect empathy and good will.

Saba could be the right choice for you… with astonishing beauty and peace and many other assets for living a magnificent life. Living with Sabatude.

We connect to the expat audience.

We’re real estate brokers and know many facts about land, homes and rental properties, relocating, taxes, the customs of Saba +++ We’re the only expat real estate company on Saba and that is a big asset because we’ll tell you the truth about living and working here.

We love our work – teaching people about Saba – and now with our borders re-opening – we’re helping people to find places to rent – from hotels, to antique Saba cottages and Villas and also helping people to buy land and homes!

People are rebuilding their lives – creating new work and living opportunities. Looking for change and safe havens in the world to flourish.

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