Accessibility for All

Raising Nathan: Heartfelt story of a family raising a special needs child

My son, Nathan, is the last of my four children. If I were to think of one word to describe him, it would be ‘impish’ . . .   Public misconceptions about children with special needs poses such an important conversation, that in my first book – Raising Nathan: Every Life has a Story, I […]

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How to conduct job interviews with candidates who have autism

by: Katherine Breward, Associate Professor, Business and Administration, University of Winnipeg The unemployment and underemployment of capable workers with autism is a well-documented phenomenon, as a British study showed. Employers are gradually getting better at recognizing the value of including neurodiverse people in their organizations, and information about accommodation strategies is starting to become more readily available. That said, these

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Diversity & Inclusion

As society takes an increasingly open-minded approach towards race, sexuality, gender, disability, age and religion, it is also becoming increasingly essential to understand the difference between true inclusion and true diversity. Individuals and organisations that attempt to be diverse and inclusive without adequate training/knowledge, may cause a reverse effect. Unintended harm to unprotected groups may

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A candid look at Accessibility in Indonesia for wheelchair travellers

– Accessible Indonesia – A visit to Indonesia is on the bucket list of many travellers. As resumption of travel lurks on the horizon, many people are dusting off these lists and making decisions about the first destination they will visit post-pandemic. For wheelchair users, here are a few things to note about visiting Indonesia.

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A Marriage between Occupational Therapy & Real Estate

Gretchen Kingma, OTR/L, CAPS, ECHM, Realtor REALTOR, Occupational Therapist , Accessibility Consultant As an Occupational Therapist/Realtor, give us an overview of your work with the aging adult population and individuals with disabilities. My work is two-fold. For example, when I get a client referral, for someone with specific occupational therapy needs, I first complete a

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My return to Dubai. Even more amazing than my first trip

| by Fred Maahs, Jr Recently I had the pleasure to return to Dubai as a guest of Dubai Tourism to help assess accessibility for people with disabilities, also known as “people of determination” in Dubai.  I was there in three capacities; consulting for my own business, FJM Solutions, as Chief Operations Officer and partner for Travel for

My return to Dubai. Even more amazing than my first trip Read More »

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